The Pink Faux Leather Giant Print Full-size King James Version Bible with Thumb Index is the perfect Bible for the woman who raised you—be it a mother, grandmother, aunt, teacher, or mentor. The easy-to-read 14-point type print will ease the strain on her eyes when she settles in for her daily quiet time with the LORD.
The easy-to-read 14-point type allows you to read your Bible without eye strain and enable you to read the giant print Bible from a fair distance—no need to hold it up close.
Essential study resources include double-column formatting, a thematic Scripture verse finder, 8 full-color maps, the words of Christ printed in red ink, and a one-year Bible reading plan.
Product Details:
-Dimensions: 9.7" x 6.7" x 1.5" (246 x 170 x 38mm)
-ISBN: 9781432133115